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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Hairy Pits and Pussy Print of the Day

Bella Thorne Pussy Print Hairy Armpits Big Tits Red Bikini

Bella Thorne is a feminist…or someone who plays a feminist because she was raped and sexually assaulted and knows what being sexualized is all about…and that is to be spun into a feminist initiative..

Not to mention her mom sold her out to those executives…so it’s been ingrained in her mind since she was a child star, before being the adult version of a child star, which statistically is always a certain level of crazy…

So in being a feminist who sexualizes yourself, you must grow out the armpit hair, to be trendy and to fight toxic masculinity, otherwise people will just think you’re being shameless…

Trying to get to where they are trying to go in running mainstream raver frat boy garbage…that makes them a lot of money by getting naked….because it converts better.

I appreciate it. If only thty taught this in business school.


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Armpit Photoshoot of the Day

Bella Thorne wants you to know how progressive she is as a feminist….like all the sex worker feminists out there…who don’t want to admit that they are just sluts using their nudity for likes, they aren’t just tit for marketing flashers…they are doing it for a hire purpose…like generating hype, building their “personal brand” and trying to get as much action as they can so that they can sell off product to their idiot fans…and the weirder they get, the louder they get the easier it is to unload product on the morons who look up to them…it doesn’t require much intelligence, just ego and why over analyze a very simple thing that involves doing anything that people notice to get noticed…why intellectualize it, girl isn’t really educated, more trained by Disney in the art of working hard so that her mom doesn’t beat her since so many girls want to be in her position – song and dance content production and Brainwashing minds everywhere.

Here she is being relevant with her armpit hair out….YOU KNOW THE KIDS LOVE THIS SHIT…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Performing of the Day

Bella Thorne got to perform for what I think was her first official show now that she’s become EDM performer that proves the internet and social media is a fucking stupid place where people want to see the people they follow in person – it’s some reality show nonsense where uninteresting people who have little going on in their lives obsess over nonsense like Bella Thorne who seem more interesting than them because she was whored out to Disney by her parents at a young age and I guess it worked.

She took the lead of the Vine Stars, that you can make fucking money and engage retards and produce low level content around yourself and it’s easier than actually working…

Then you can release garbage…like real fucking garbage and you can sell it because people are so fucking brainwashed by you…

Then events will cast you to be in their events because they need the action, attention and PR…And really none of this shit takes much effort or talent cuz the audience isn’t hard to please…they have no standards and just like to buy into what they are told.

Society is very complacent and this whore doing whore shit proves that anything is possible if you’re rich enough to trick your idiot
fans…then everyone wanting attention will work with you…cuz they want your fans too.



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Tits in the Mirror of the Day

Bella Thorne Tits in the Mirror

Bella Thorne is a social media manipulator, who was able to leverage Disney Kid fame to get a good solid base of followers, enough to make some noise amongst the perverts as she posted up slutty pics, as all the people her age were doing, allowing for her to really grow her audience and have people stare at her and appreciate her…and even buy into her raving EDM shit….that all the kids are into…and I guess it’s a watch the trainwreck, see what she’ll do next, cuz she has that Disney Stamp of approval on her that makes her more important than the average whore…

I’m more into just checking out her tits, cuz they are tits.

Here she is getting gay

Bella Thorne Lesbian with Tana in Bikini


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Bikini Dance of the Day

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Bella Thorne is a very important and relevant pop culture icon who is just 20 years old…like a Kardashian, or a Kylie Jenner, but on the other spectrum of annoying…where instead of being rich and knocked up, she’s running her own brand out of her expensive house that Disney Money got her…and now that Social Media money is making her….a brand based on being a weirdo crackhead raver chick who never leaves the house…but that understands the power of the internet…building out brands, manipulating young people to steal their parents credit card to buy shit they don’t need to support her in her quest of weirdness…and as it turns out…they make bikinis, because bikinis are easy to promote…like the puppet master she is…since people like seeing disney kids half naked…especially ones with fat tits…

Annoying or not…she’s in a bikini.

Bella Thorne Dancing in a Bikini


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne See Through Bra of the Day

Bella Thorne Slutty Thong and Nipples See Through Bra

I think Bella Thorne would be more interesting if she wasn’t lame as fuck.

I realize that I am an old pervert creep, judging some young idiot, who comes across as a fucking idiot, and who amazingly has a job, gets work, makes money and runs her own little ghetto fucking business that probably rakes in the money since everyone is on fucking social media and that’s how the world works these days….no real purpose or vision needed, just clickbait noise…and not just with her tits and nudity…with her whole act of being weird and quirky…it’s just too loud for me.

I never like the crackhead in the room causing the scene, drawing the attention, I prefer the one in the corner drooling on herself, half dead…both can be equally hot, busty, they can be fucking twins even….but the one having the freak out is a fucking liability..

Bella Thorne..reminds me of the one having a freak out…the liability…so tits or not, she’s irritating as fuck…and the fact she succeeds is a reminder of how doomed we fucking are as a society….True story.


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne and Tana Mongeau Dyke it Down of the Day

Bella Thorne and tana mongeau dyke it down in bra

Bella Thorne and her click bait with her BFF who is apparently also her lover, that her troll wizard looking, lesbian looking, crackhead pan sexual gender confused opportunist boyfriend in his 40s gets to jerk off on..

They are attention seeking for their record label that is a thing because the internet is dumb as fuck and buy into anything they find popular…

They aren’t attention seeking hard enough for my liking, because if you’re gonna put it out there…put it out there with genitals…

We’ve already seen this Disney Kid turned instagram whore pretty fucking naked like the bootleg follow Miley’s lead to take charge of their sexuality for marketing purposes cuz tits get hits!.

Bella Thorne and tana mongeau dyke it down in bra


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW|tana mongeau




Bella Thorne Topless of the Day

Bella Thorne Topless Pink Skirt

I haven’t posted any Bella Thorne clickbait garbage in a while, it’s felt good to feel liberated by the reminder of where pop culture is at, and what the kids are buying into, some crack looking bi sexual damaged Disney kid who is likely medicated, and who looks like she smells, being all too “real” in some contrived pretending to be real bullshit…that is now part of our system thanks to social media.

I preferred when celebs were hard to connect with, when they were kept a distance away, and when content like this was put out by magazines, not shoots they coordinated themselves, I liked that third party involvement, to control what the people got to experience…instead we gotta deal with videos that should never happen of her being a racist doing a Jamaican accent despite being white…and not being slaughtered for it…while it fucking offends me…

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But some people are inoculated or exempt from being considered garabge, porn, trash, racists…because too many people praise them…and they are making money…having fun being disgusting.

I don’t get how some people get away with it…while other’s get murdered for it…like Seacrest known pervert creep doesn’t get fired from CBS for being a fucking creep because of an internal investigation but a Comedian who jerks off to whores in his bedroom who expose him do…

The world is mental.

Bella Thorne Tits in Pink Bra and Panties


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Inspirational Lyrics of the Day

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Words of wisdom from clickbait, “relevant”, it girl who’s got her whore on the internet down thanks to Disney Execs…Bella Thorne….to take you into the weekend and realize…how ridiculous and simplistic this generation and their porno is….makes you wonder how you’re clickbait humor hasn’t gone viral yet…doesn’t it….I’ve been Vulgar for 25 years, where’s my Disney movie deal…

Get that pussy wet…wet…wet…

Fuck your asshole…yeah.

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I mean young people are clearly fucking dumb…but I hope she shit’s before her ass sex since gingers statistically have stinky shit.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Slutty Tits on Instagram of the Day

Bella Thorne Tits on Instagram

You may have forgotten about Bella Thorne … because I haven’t posted her in a week..

But just so you know she’s still out there, doing what she does out there….whoring.

I am all for her trolling the world sexually exploiting herself to get there, it’s a good strategy…and it works…

These aren’t quite slutty enough for me…but they happened!

Bella Thorne Tits on Instagram Sheer White Top


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW